Rainier Ravens Campout + Nomad Sponsorship September 13 2015, 0 Comments
Being on these two-wheeled stallions is what brought us all together in the first place. After nearly a year in existence, getting 50 of us together for our first ride-in and camp-out was incredible. I think there’s something really transformative about riding in a huge pack of bad bitches. The confidence, security, and pleasure in riding together (and turning a hell of a lot of heads, I might add) raises you up to new heights, and for those miles that you’re riding together, you’re exactly the person you want to be.
One of the core tenets behind the Rainer Ravens is that all bikes and riders and experience levels are welcome. Naturally, this makes for a big bag of motorcycle Skittles whenever we get together. Total rainbow of bikes! It’s pretty cool to see these women, who otherwise probably would never have met, find each other and form these crazy deep friendships. Zero judgement here! Yet, there’s not much to judge cause they’re all so fucking cool ;) And, anyway, we like Skittles.
We have a ton of fun on the road, riding through twisties and ferrying around the northwest. But nothing beats a quiet moment in the woods, hovering between the trees, looking up through the canopy above you, dissolving into nature. I think one of the many things that we northwestern motobabes have in common is that we all strive for an equal balance of wild and mild. Part of the exploration experience we ache for is finding new mysterious roads and hanging with our partners in crime, but we want to park our asses in nature at least as often, preferably next to our motorcycles.
We may not have had time for hiking but we got our ab workout for sure – just one hour of drinking whiskey and laughing over a game of Cards Against Humanity is the equivalent of about 2,000,000 situps. I think I went home with a full six pack. When you think about it, motorcycling is actually kind of similar to Cards Against Humanity, in that it challenges you to get out of your comfort zone and explore your adventurous side. Not that I would equate “Maybe she’s born with it, maybe it’s Pandora’s Vagina” with riding across the country on two wheels, but either way you’re having a good time.
Founders Ericka Turnbull, Morgan Garritson, Barbara Fuentes, and Karissa Coffey shared a yearning for a solid, lively women’s moto community in the northwest, one that demanded nothing whatsoever of its followers other than a common desire to ride and be generally merry. No dues, no rules, no restrictions. Just, no dudes. We started the Rainier Ravens in November 2014 and have watched in awe as it’s taken off and bloomed into a community of strong, positive, and influential females whose reach literally crosses oceans – we have friends in England, Australia, Germany, and beyond.
One of the criteria for this inaugural campout was a location which all of our girls could easily ride out to but was also remote enough that we would be left alone. We selected Fort Townsend in Port Townsend, WA because it had a huge private group campground in the woods with easy access to the Puget Sound and tons of awesome riding roads. We rode some motorcycles, made a lot of noise, stayed up til 3am, and nobody came to shut us up. Mission accomplished.
A lot of planning went into this campout. So, when we finally arrived and got to chill in a hot tub (quite literally – since we didn’t get it hot until quite later!), we were finally like, “YES! WE ARE HERE! We’re in the woods, in a friggin hot tub, with our bikes and our best babes by our side and nobody can tell us what to do.” Finally, we were looking at this once-in-a-lifetime experience from the inside, and trying so hard to force our brains to take a detailed snapshot of this moment to remember forever.
Safety first! There’s an acronym in motorcycling – ATGATT: All The Gear All The Time. No reason to skimp on safety just because we’re in our bikinis!
When you need bubbles, make them! We looked at each other like, how cool would it be if we had bubbles in here?, which just sounds like a challenge, doesn’t it? JACUZZI!!
This image is so so cool because it speaks to the adventure that is brewing in our little Ravens community. These two bikes ,a Ural and a Ducati Scrambler are meant for going out and finding the daring side of riding. Getting lost on a mountain road on a motorcycle, perhaps with a buddy in the sidecar, is one of the most interesting things a person can do in their life. If you could own one of these machines, and do that over and over, you’re totally doing life right.
Our matching helmets make us look like the Destiny’s Child of motorcycling. Bell Helmets could NOT have envisioned this when they developed their Bullitt line, but I’m sure they’re happy about it.
Our big night out was a ride over to the Wheel-In Motor Movie drive-in theatre in Port Townsend. This place is rad! The owners were really cool about us hogging a whole corner of the lot. They let us roll in ahead of the waiting Saturday night crowd and stuff our faces with popcorn and cardboard – I mean drive-in pizza – and basically go back to our childhood for 3 hours. Alcohol isn’t allowed here, so of course we brought like 20 flasks. Worth noting is that this is the last drive-in theatre in the PNW still using film. Pretty cool! #vintageshit.
This image just makes me return to the utter pleasure that this trip was. Collectively, we managed to create this atmosphere of complete enjoyment. We rode, we ate, we hot tubbed (in the fucking woods!), we played, we explored, we whiskeyed, we shared hilarious ex-boyfriend stories, we shared popcorn, we laughed our asses off, we slept outdoors, we hugged, we rode some more, we truly enjoyed the company of other quality women.
Rainier Ravens site:
LAUNCH PARTY IMAGES April 03 2014, 6 Comments
Our launch party was a great success and we would like to thank everybody that came out to soak and our friends that worked so hard on their hot tub scenes and the overall production:

More to come...
Saturday, March 29th 12pm - 4pm at The Colony in St. Johns

(Don’t forget your swimsuit and robes)
The Original Nomad, will debuting their eagerly awaited Nomad collapsible tub and propane/wood powered heating unit.
Soak it up in outdoor scenes for each tub designed by:
Emily Katz, Box of Contents, General Merriment , Laura Irwin,
FREST coast surfboards, 99 West Off-road.
Food provided by: Kuza Burger and Scoop Handmade Ice cream.
Field Day featuring refreshments by Union Wine Co and New Deal Vodka.
The Original Nomad will be raffling off a two person tub and heating coil unit.
Participant must enter one of the soaking tubs in order to be eligible to win.
Saturday, March 29th from 12:00pm- 4:00pm
The Colony: 7525 N. Richmond Ave. St. Johns, OR 97203
This lively event will be free and opened to the public. BRING YOUR SWIMSUIT, soaking encouraged.
Additional information about Nomad tubs and event at:
Email any inquires about event to:
The Original Nomad designs and manufactures creature comfort products for the adventurous.